Exciting news: my very first guest post from someone I don't know! Amazing!
I thought a lot about what to do, but in the end was inspired by Ms. Christine Fallabel (I think the girl could inspire a pile of dirt). She told me a story about a little girl who was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The girl really wants to attend Camp Setebaid, a summer wonderland of sorts for kids with type 1 diabetes, but her family can't afford to send her. The camp helps to teach kids how to manage their diabetes, but more importantly gives them a sense of community and makes them feel "normal" as a diabetic.
Keep the love and giving flowing brother.
Thanks for the inspiration,
If you are interested in donating to Christine's endeavor, comment on her blog and she'll be happy to talk to you about it. And for the next kind person, I look forward to hearing about your adventure!